Cover news energy transition


2024 Global energy transition: tripling up in a vuca world

Jun. 26 2024

The energy industry has a pivotal role to play in the world’s transition to a low-carbon economy. 

At COP 28, 130 countries committed to an ambitious goal to limit climate change: triple renewable energy capacity by 2030. 

The acceleration in progress since the beginning of the decade has been remarkable, with 2023 a record year for renewables. Yet looking ahead, the energy industry will need to navigate a perfect storm of vulnerabilities, uncertainties, ambiguities and complexities (VUCA). 

Now in its second year, Bureau Veritas’ in depth report on the energy transition brings together the insights and opinions from over 800 market experts, thought leaders and senior executives. It is based on research carried out between February and May 2024, across all continents and corners of the energy sector. 

The report explores how the industry’s main stakeholders are tackling the disruptions shaping the world today. It examines barriers to acceleration—from government policy and grids to supply chains and technology—and the pragmatic solutions the industry is finding to overcome them. 

In this way, it aims to set a path for a more secure, sustainable and inclusive energy system. 

Download the report

VUCA: a world marked by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity.